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Англо-украинский юридический словарь - maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election


Перевод с английского языка maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election на украинский

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election

максимальна сума коштів, яку кандидатам дозволяється за законом витратити на проведення своєї виборчої кампанії

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election custody — режим максимальної ізоляції

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election-custody type institution — в'язниця особливо суворого режиму

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election hours — максимально припустима тривалість робочого часу (або дня)

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election length — максимальний строк (термін)

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election length of imprisonment — максимальний термін тюремного ув'язнення

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election penalty — максимальне покарання; вища межа покарання

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election possible penalty — максимальна можлива межа покарання (за законом)

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election possible sentence — максимально можливий вирок

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election punishment — максимальне покарання

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election security — сувора ізоляція; суворий режим (у в'язниці)

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election security colony — колонія посиленого режиму

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election security institution — в'язниця особливо суворого режиму

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election-security jail — = maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election-security prison в'язниця суворого режиму

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election-security prison — = maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election-security jail

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election security prison colony — в'язниця-колонія суворого режиму

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election sentence — максимальний вирок; максимальна міра покарання

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election sentencing — винесення вироку про максимальну міру покарання, призначення максимальної міри покарання

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election speed — максимальна швидкість

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election term — максимальний термін

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election term of imprisonment — максимальний термін ув'язнення

maximum amount of money that candidates are legally permitted to spend in pursuit of election wage — максимальна заробітна плата

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